Don't see Wolf of Wall Street with parents, warns Twitter

Not a family-friendly choice, claim mortified kids.

Don't see Wolf of Wall Street with parents, warns Twitter

Anyone planning a festive trip to the cinema with their nearest and dearest might take heed of advice emerging on Twitter.

In fact, Martin Scorsese's new film 'The Wolf of Wall Street' could go down in history as the least family-friendly film ever, if reports are to be believed.

Many movie-goers have taken to social media to detail their particular brand of embarrassment after seeing the film, which features graphic sex, some startlingly bad language and liberal drug use.

In fact, it's probably approaching meme status...

Even comedian Jack Whitehall chimed in:

In the movie, Leonardo DiCaprio plays Jordan Belfort, the real-life Wall Street banker who was jailed for running a stock-trading 'boiler room'.

Quite why anyone might have considered it family-appropriate viewing considering Scorsese's previous work and its adult certificate is another question entirely.