George Lucas to retire from Hollywood

Director/producer in a huff with studios after 'Red Tails' fiasco

George Lucas is so angry about the struggle to have his self-financed film 'Red Tails' distributed (he alleges the studios balked at the budget and all-black cast) that he's retreating from Hollywood for good.

Speaking to Empire, the 'Star Wars' creator and LucasFilm head honcho said:

"I'm moving away from the company, I'm moving away from all my businesses, I'm finishing all my obligations and I'm going to retire to my garage with my saw and hammer and build hobby movies.

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"I've always wanted to make movies that were more experimental in nature, and not have to worry about them showing in movie theatres."

He also said that he has no plans to return to the ‘Star Wars’ franchise, adding:

"Why would I make any more, when everybody yells at you all the time and says what a terrible person you are?"