Rare fiery waterfall takes Internet by storm

Google Street View Scales New Heights on El Capitan in Yosemite, California
Google Street View Scales New Heights on El Capitan in Yosemite, California


Photographers from around the world flocked to Yosemite National Park to capture a rare and beautiful phenomenon, and the images that surfaced spread like wildfire this week.

It only happens in the month of February and the conditions have to be just right. And when all the elements align, the Horsetail Fall turns into a glowing, mesmerizing "firefall."

Some photographers who were lucky enough to be at the right place at the right time caught incredible images of the event.

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"The sun sets at a certain angle and illuminates the waterfall in luminescent orange and red, making it look like a fluid fire," photographer Sangeeta Dey said in a Facebook post.

"When the fall started glowing, I could not believe what I was seeing. For 10 minutes, all of us sat there mesmerized by this spectacle," Dey said in a post on Instagram. "When it ended, a few of us had tears in our eyes, while some where clapping , and others were just ecstatic to finally get a chance to see it after trying for years."

See incredible images of the event:

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