4 Time Management Mantras for Couples

With hectic schedules knocking each one of us down, it is certainly hard to take time out and find joy in doing simple things together and for each other. And, most experts would agree when we say that spending quality time with your significant other is a key ingredient to make a relationship last longer. So, how do we make sure that our better halves don’t feel ignored and squeeze in some time for each other? Here’s how you can nurture your relationship and time everything.

Daily Debrief
Make it a point that the both of you sit down and discuss the nuances of daily life. Share your experiences of the day. This habit will prevent your relationship from wearing out because you will feel connected to each other and slow down the pace of spiraling schedules. It is a well-established fact that couples who have meaningful and regular conversations manage stressors quite well and stay connected emotionally to each other.

Tame Technology
How long does it take you to log into your social networking accounts and troll all day? Few seconds, we suppose? Well, instead of being a slave to technology, make it a point that you tame it. In your spare time, try to call/e-mail/text/leave a voicemail for your partner to let the love of your life know how much you love them.

Tailor your Date
Now, you can’t apparently go out every day, but when you do, make sure it is perfectly tailored. Block your dates and do crazy little things for each other. Not always must you go for a dinner or a movie; you can take a stroll down the lane and feast on an ice-cream! Oh, and by the way, home is a perfect date place if you want the distractions that public places offer. The idea is to pamper and indulge your partner.

Work (Together!) at Home
It is quite discouraging if you while away time watching prime time shows/catching up with friends when your partner is struggling with household work, especially if you have kids. Your partner shouldn’t feel the burden of running the house on his/her own. Share every responsibility; do household chores together as this way you would make it more enjoyable, be it cooking or doing the dishes. Banter around and speak to each other to take load off the shoulder. This should be a ritual and must be observed with all the seriousness. So, the next time, play your part responsibly.

If you implement these time management mantras, you will come out a winner. And, believe us it is definitely not difficult to take time out of 24 hours in a day. Didn’t you make the promise of being there for each other for lifetime? Well, time to reflect, isn’t it? 

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