Adam Woodyatt lands job cooking at a Michelin starred restaurant!

Adam Woodyatt has landed a job cooking at a Michelin starred restaurant credit:Bang Showbiz
Adam Woodyatt has landed a job cooking at a Michelin starred restaurant credit:Bang Showbiz

Adam Woodyatt has landed a job cooking at a Michelin starred restaurant.

The ‘EastEnders’ veteran, 52, who has played café owner Ian Beale on the BBC soap since it launched in 1985, seems to have taken a leaf out of his character’s book as he’s now working at the Midsummer House in Cambridge, England.

He said on Instagram about taking the spot at the two Michelin starred venue: “Yesterday was like the first day at school. After two years of talking about doing it, I finally found time to spend a day working at @midsummer_house_ with @markabbottwa60 and @midsummerchef.

“The hours are long but being part of service was brilliant.

“With a watchful eye over me, I was plating up the Carlingford Oyster amuse bouche.

“Today, I think I’ve got the very fiddly macaron to get the hang of.”

Adam – a renowned foodie – had previously been seen serving customers from a food stall in Wimbledon, London.

His new job comes after it was revealed in February he is being chased by tax officials for a huge bill after he broke up his management firm.

HMRC has told the actor’s accountants he owes £139,000 in Corporation Tax after the break-up of X L Management which Adam ran with his ex-wife Beverley Sharp.

The company had been set up as a talent agency to attract other actors but Adam was the only client.

Adam shocked soap fans when he returned to ‘EastEnders’ last year, with his plot line seeing Ian moving back onto Albert Square with wife Cindy (played by Michelle Collins), who was previously thought to have been killed off.