Amazing Spider-Man 3 Plot Details Emerge

Marc Webb, the director who has overseen both ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ and its recent follow-up, has been discussing the third installment of the franchise, which is due out on June 10, 2016.

Now any of you who have yet to see ‘The Amazing Spider-Man 2’ probably shouldn’t read ahead as there are major SPOILERS mentioned that will probably ruin your day. You have been warned.

Of course the main talking point to emerge from ‘The Amazing Spider-Man 2’ was the death of Emma Stone’s Gwen Stacy, which shocked viewers to their very core. Well, those who hadn’t read Amazing Spider-Man #121 or seen the myriad of photos showing her in the same clothes that the character donned when she died in the comics weren’t quite as shocked - but it was still surprising to say the least.

Webb has now been discussing that particular scene, and he revealed that it stayed with him ever since he read the comic.

"It stayed with me in a profound way," he told Entertainment Weekly. "It broke me. I was anxious and curious to explore it on the screen. From the very beginning I planned on doing it. For me, everything in the movie was built around that moment. There’s a cost to be being a hero."

Meanwhile, Webb has admitted that he is perversely intrigued at audiences’ reaction to Stacy’s demise. “I’ve poked my head into theatres in L.A. for that moment just to hear people gasp,” Webb admitted. “It’s fascinating. People just don’t believe it.”

And so they shouldn’t because Stone has been such an integral part to the reboot’s success that many moviegoers have been flummoxed by Webb’s decision to simply cast her aside in the sequel. However, Webb revealed that he is fully aware of the gravity of his choice, and the consequences of her death is something that will be dealt with and examined in ‘The Amazing Spider-Man 3.’

"I’m utterly aware of the consequences for us," the filmmaker noted. "Emma is beloved, and that relationship is the heart of these movies. But that’s also why we couldn’t shy away from that. It has to have impact. It has to shock you. It has to be devastating. Anything else would be undermining the truth of it."

Webb explained that Parker’s recovery from Stacy’s death will, as you’d expect, anchor the next installment to the series. “It’s going to be really difficult for Peter Parker to move forward,” Webb said. “But that’s the challenge of it: How do you recover from that? That’s going to play out in the next movie.”

However, this is going to be an issue not only for the characters in the film but for Webb, who will be writing and directing it, too, as replacing someone of Stone’s calibre won’t be an easy task.

The likes of Karen Gillan, Brie Larson and Anna Kendrick have been linked to the role of Mary Jane Watson, which could still be played by Shailene Woodley who was cut out of ‘The Amazing Spider-Man 2’, but they’ll have their work cut out emulating Stone - whose work alongside Andrew Garfield was spectacular.

Do you think ‘The Amazing Spider-Man 3’ will suffer because of Emma Stone’s absence?

Gregory Wakeman is a film enthusiast who isn’t ashamed to admit that he adores Sam Raimi’s ‘Spider-Man 3.’ He even liked Peter Parker’s often-criticised cocky dance scene!