Amy Schumer Defends Sen. Chuck Schumer From President Trump’s ‘Fake Tears’ Tweet

On Monday, President Trump insulted Sen. Chuck Schumer for crying while attacking the president’s controversial refugee ban. Trump said, “I noticed Chuck Schumer yesterday with fake tears. I’m going to ask him who was his acting coach because I know him very well. … There’s about a 5% chance that it was real but I think they were fake tears.”

Many saw the president’s words as petty, and on Tuesday Amy Schumer came to her cousin’s defense.

In a post on Instagram, she said that what Trump called fake tears were, in fact, real. She said, “This is what [Trump] was thinking about at 6:21 a.m. I know Chuck Schumer and HE CANNOT act, trust me. He can barely smile on cue.” She continued, “He can’t help but be transparent and genuine. He was hurt for those people and all the people facing such unconstitutional injustice.” Then the comedian transitioned from defense to offense, writing, “A Muslim ban is so unconstitutional and cruel…We need to fight this now and together.”

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