Barack Obama: 'I was kicked out of Disneyland'

Barack Obama has revealed he was kicked out of Disneyland when he was a teenager for smoking.

Mr Obama was on the gondolas after attending a Kool & The Gang concert when he was escorted away by police officers.

Speaking at a Democratic congressional rally in in Anaheim, California, the former US president said: "These were cigarettes, people. Terrible thing... but at the time I'm a teenager, I'm rebellious.

"As we're coming in, there are these two very large Disneyland police officers and they say 'Sir, can you come with us?' and they escorted us out of Disneyland.

"This is a true story everybody. I was booted out of the Magic Kingdom."

Despite Mr Obama's bad behaviour, Disneyland has said he is welcome to return.

Robert Iger, chairman and chief executive of The Walt Disney Company, tweeted: "Barack Obama just opened his speech in Anaheim with a story from his college years about getting kicked out of Disneyland for smoking cigarettes on a ride.

"He can always come back, as long as he doesn't smoke!"

Mr Obama reportedly quit smoking in 2010 after his wife Michelle voiced her disapproval of the habit.

Mr Obama then turned to the serious matter of politics ahead of the midterm elections - and said the November votes give Americans a chance to "restore some sanity in our politics".

Throwing his support behind Democrats running for office, he said: "We have the chance to flip the House of Representatives and make sure there are real checks and balances in Washington.

To loud cheers, he added: "We're going to put on our marching shoes, we're going to start knocking on some doors, we're going to start making some calls."