Bizarre anti-drugs posters use Frozen's Elsa to keep kids off meth

Say no... Elsa didn't, and look how that turned out - Credit: Facebook
Say no… Elsa didn’t, and look how that turned out – Credit: Facebook

Sure, Elsa’s ice palace from ‘Frozen’ looked like it could have been made from Walter White’s blue crystal methamphetamine from ‘Breaking Bad’, but a new anti-drugs campaign in the US has further embroiled the tortured ice queen in the tawdry world of illegal highs.

The Montana Meth Project has decided to wildly infringe on intellectual property by depicting Elsa in cuffs, ravaged by the effects of the drug, and posing, shamed, for a mug shot in a new poster campaign.

And in case there’s any ambiguity, the slogan reads ‘Just let it go! Meth – not even once’.

Elsa... in happier, less troubled times - Credit: Disney
Elsa… in happier, less troubled times – Credit: Disney

The ads have appeared on billboards around the state, and while the movie isn’t mentioned by name, one might expect that a call from Disney is imminent, whether the poster was designed by a ‘Montana teen’ or not.

Reads a message on the campaign’s website: “The goal of the Montana Meth Project is to arm teens and young adults across the state with the facts about methamphetamine so that they can make well-informed decisions when presented with the opportunity to try it.”

The posters have made their way onto social media, with many mocking the use of the beloved character in the campaign.

However, through its work and outreach programmes, the organisation claims to have reduced meth use in several states ‘significantly’ – 63 percent in Montana, 65 percent in Arizona and 56 percent in Idaho – so perhaps the Disney lawyers might find that worthy of consideration.

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