Sarah Michelle Gellar: I Like To Think I'm Vice President to Kristen Bell

Sarah Michelle Gellar thinks it is high time for paparazzi shots of celebrity kids to hit the cutting room floor.
The "Crazy Ones" star, who has two children, Charlotte, 4, and Rocky, 1, with actor Freddie Prinze Jr., supports Kristen Bell's initiative to boycott publications that pay for paparazzi photographs of celebrity kids.
"I like to think of myself as her vice president in command," she tells Yahoo. "I have actually been working hand in hand with Kristen. If everybody gets together, we can make a difference. My poor daughter won't take a family picture because she's afraid of cameras because every time she goes to ballet or she goes to school, someone sticks a camera in her face. It is horrifying. I pray for the day that my daughter goes to school and doesn't hide and ask if there are men following her."
The actress, 36, notes that Bell is an inspiration to her. "What Kristen taught me is that it took one voice to be able to speak up and make a huge difference and make change happen."
Luckily, Gellar says that while the paparazzi often hound her children, her fans are respectful of her privacy. "Having a family was really important to us," she shares. "There's Sarah Michelle Gellar and there's Sarah Michelle Prinze. My home life is mine and I have been very fortunate, since I don't want that side of my life out there, that my fans have been really great to respect that. I think that is how you raise a healthy family."

Empowering positive change for families is something Gellar is passionate about and she'll be hitting the Independent Spirit Awards this Saturday with Unilever Project Sunlight to spread the word about how to create a brighter future for children and teach them to create a sustainable planet.

[Related: Sarah Michelle Gellar on What She's Afraid of and Who Should Play 'Buffy' on Broadway]

"Having children changed the way that I look at everything," she says. "I call it my disposable twenties. Now I have to think about what I am leaving for my children and what this world is going to look like and how they're going to fit into it."

Gellar says she's enjoying teaching her daughter, Charlotte, about the importance of leading a sustainable life. "My daughter and my husband, they love to grow vegetables and make salads out of it. My daughter loves to go to the farmers market. She talks to them about how they grow stuff and then she tells them 'I plant things' and we bring it into her school," she shares. "It is pretty amazing at what an early age you can get children excited about helping their planet and making them understand that."

She also jokes that while she's happy to teach her daughter about charity and sustainability, she won't be signing her up for acting classes anytime soon. "It's one thing to be a child actor, it's another thing to be a child actor with a famous parent. She will have to wait until she's an adult to make that decision."

While she enjoys being a Hollywood actress, the role she relishes most is being a mother. "I want 30 more [kids]. I am kidding," she laughed. "I was talking to my daughter a little bit about what I was doing and she was like, 'Mommy I am very proud of you. I support Project Sunlight.' It was just the cutest thing."

>It's no wonder she wouldn't mind a couple more children running around the house./p>Check out the live stream of the Independent Spirit Awards Unilever Project Sunlight yellow carpet starting at 2 p.m. ET/11 a.m. PT.