‘Breatharian’ pizza delivery man claims he gets his nutrients from the air and doesn’t need food to live

A pizza delivery man who calls himself a “breatharian” says he gets his nutrients from the air and the sun and doesn’t need food to survive.

Khai Ho, 38, from Birkenhead, Liverpool, claims he can live on just 100 calories a week and that mediation helps him stay healthy.

He says he would often refuse his mother’s meals as a child, and claims he has never felt hunger and food has never appealed to him.

Mr Ho, who weighs 13 stone, has adopted the Hindu belief of inedia – or breatharianism – which states that it is possible to survive without consuming food.

He says the meditation has helped him in the past four years to give up food for three months at a time, only eating mints to get rid of the “bitter taste” in his mouth.

When he got there, the cupboard was bare… Khai Ho says he doesn’t need food to survive (Picture: Caters)
When he got there, the cupboard was bare… Khai Ho says he doesn’t need food to survive (Picture: Caters)

Mr Ho said he is never tempted to tuck into the pizzas he delivers.

“I felt that this was something that I should have done my whole life,” he said.

“I have never really felt hunger and never took much interest in food as a child.

“My mum was always worried about me and still is, she often cooks for me and I have to tell her not to bother as I won’t touch it.

“I could never really embrace that state of consciousness that I was after until about four years ago when it became more serious.

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“Before that I was maybe eating every three or four days but now I can go months without food or
water and even then only have a mint or so to take away any bitter taste in my mouth.

“It’s an amazing feeling, I’m fully conscious of my mind and I’ve never felt so great. I’m fully aware of my surroundings.

“People think I’m crazy but incredible at the same time.”

Mr Ho only eats small amounts of food and little water while mainly surviving on mints or chewing gum for a fresh taste.

Social eating occasions can be awkward for “breatharian” Khai Ho, right (Picture: Caters)
Social eating occasions can be awkward for “breatharian” Khai Ho, right (Picture: Caters)
Khai Ho, 38, says he survives only on mints (Picture: Caters)
Khai Ho, 38, says he survives only on mints (Picture: Caters)

Breatharians claim that food, and in some cases water, are not necessary for survival, and that humans can be sustained solely by prana, the vital life force in Hindu religion.

“It made me very aware of my surroundings and so awake that I often struggle to sleep,” said Mr Ho.

“I suffered from pain with a liver problem and that has now gone thanks to mediation and fasting.

“I now know how to heal the human body internally and naturally from many major diseases.

“The advice is that men need 2,500 calories a day to survive but I have proven the experts wrong.”

He admitted that social eating occasions can be a little awkward for him.

Pizza delivery man Khai Ho says he gets all his nutrients from the air and the sun (Picture: Caters)
Pizza delivery man Khai Ho says he gets all his nutrients from the air and the sun (Picture: Caters)

“When I meet up with friends I normally arrange to do something else like shopping or going for walks as when we go for food I sit there while everyone else tucks in.

“I would never try and stop people eating around me because everyone is free to do as they want.

“If I were to go for a romantic meal I would have to at least give it a try and that would be very fair on my date.

“I do save a lot of money though as I never have to do any food shopping.

“It’s a miracle that you can live this way but I’m living proof.”