DGA Awards Sets 2020 Date As Guilds Continue To Scramble For Slots After Oscars Shift

The Directors Guild has set its 72nd annual DGA Awards for Saturday, January 25, 2020. It’s the latest guild to snag a slot for the new decade after the 91st Oscars were moved up two weeks to February 9 that year.

The date announce comes on the heels of the 26th annual SAG Awards, which typically sets its ceremony for this last week in January, getting locked in for January 26, 2020, and the PGA Awards securing a January 18 date for its ceremony that year. Both of those were announced in reaction to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ move that was announced three weeks ago.

That 2020 Oscar date change certainly got the attention of the guilds, especially those that hold their annual awards on the weekends where booking venues is tightest. The Academy Awards news set off plenty of behind-the-scenes scrambling, and now it would appear to be the WGA’s turn to slate the following year’s dates for its usual bicoastal dual ceremonies.

Another usual wrinkle that will be more of one in 2020: the Super Bowl, which awards shows avoid like the plague. Super Bowl LIV is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, February 2, in South Florida.

Meanwhile, the DGA’s 71st annual trophy show remains set for February 2 at the Dolby Ballroom.

Patrick Hipes contributed to this report.

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