Fox Live-Action X-Men TV Show In ‘Deep Development’

If there’s one thing the world needs, it’s more superheroes and if reports that Fox are working on an X-Men TV series are true there are a ton more soon heading to a screen near you.

Bleeding Cool make the claim, though they are quick to say they know little else other than the project being in “deep development.”


Superheroes are dominating screens big and small so really this is news that shouldn’t surprise anyone, but it does seem a sensible idea. The X-Men format (students and teachers at a school fighting megalomaniacs on the side) is perfect for TV, but how will it work?

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The X-Men are already stars of a huge big screen franchise, so would the series feed into that? It’s unlikely given the level of international stars that feature prominently in that franchise.

It could operate on its own like The CW’s ‘Arrow’ and ‘Flash’ series’, as well as Fox’s Batman prequel ‘Gotham’ , which are all separate to DC superhero films like ‘The Dark Knight’ and  ‘Man of Steel’.


Another possibility is that the series isn’t strictly based on the X-Men, but rather a spin-off group like X-Force or X-Factor – both featuring lesser-known mutants from the X-Men stable. A film based on X-Force is believed to be in development however.

We’re willing to bet it’ll be a spin-off of some kind operating alongside the films, which are currently well into a period of rejuvenation. This year’s ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’ was the biggest X-film to date and multiple follow-ups are planned, including ‘Deadpool’, ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’, a third ‘Wolverine’ spin-off and potential spin-offs for Mystique and Gambit.

We can offer up one exclusive though: whatever the show is, it won’t be as good as the 90s X-Men cartoon.

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Image credits: 20th Century Fox / Marvel Comics