Glen Powell too busy for love - for now

Glen Powell, who split from his long-time girlfriend Gigi Paris more than a year ago, has revealed he's been too busy to worry about a relationship ever since.

The Hit Man star told CBS Mornings that he hasn't been seeking out a partner since his three-year relationship came to an end.

He shared that he worries a partner wouldn't be able to handle the frenzy around him.

"This is a time where life is moving so fast that I don't even know if I can bring someone into it in a healthy way even if I tried," he told host Gayle King.

"I've realised there are new aspects and new complexities to this life and this job that I didn't even understand."

Powell is not opposed to settling down, however, saying he hopes to one day have kids and is receptive to any love that comes his way.

"I'm not chasing love. If love comes and hits me in the face and knocks me over, I welcome it with open arms," he continued. "I really want kids. I really want that phase of life."

Powell went on to share some advice he received about getting through a hype cycle from his Top Gun: Maverick costar Tom Cruise.

"Cruise told me, 'When things pop off, it's just going to get very loud. Nothing else has changed. You determine how loud that noise is going to be. You can turn it up, you can turn it down.'"