Halle Berry has broken 10 bones shooting action movies

Halle Berry has broken 10 bones over the course of her acting career.

In a video for Netflix filmed to promote her upcoming spy-comedy The Union, the Oscar-winning actress and her co-star Mark Wahlberg listed some of the injuries they have sustained shooting action flicks.

Accordingly, Halle revealed that she has been hurt on many occasions.

"I've been knocked out three times," she shared. "Got an arm broken, broke ribs twice - two ribs one time, three ribs another time.

"Broke a tailbone, broke two toes and a finger - this finger," Halle added, while laughing and holding up her middle finger.

In response, Mark noted he had previously suffered a torn meniscus, a separated shoulder, as well as a bruised ego "quite a few times".

Elsewhere in the clip, Halle reflected on some of the scarier stunts she has performed, including holding her breath underwater while filming 2012's Dark Tide.

"I played a free diver. I had to hold my breath for almost two and a half minutes. And that felt like eternity. It felt like death was imminent," the 57-year-old recalled.

And playing Storm in the X-Men movies meant she was suspended on a wire for a "long time".

"Actually, it felt like the guy had gone to lunch," she joked. "That's how long I was up there and I was like, 'Hello? Hello, anybody?'"

But while Halle has suffered many injuries for her craft, she is pleased to have learned some martial arts skills.

"I've learned jiu-jitsu, some Muay Thai, kickboxing, taekwondo, and I learned how to shoot," the Bruised star noted.

The Union is set to begin streaming via Netflix on Friday.