Hollyoaks star Kieron Richardson explains Emmett J Scanlan reunion during Ste wedding scenes

Hollyoaks star Kieron Richardson has explained his surprise reunion with Emmett J Scanlan on the set of the Channel 4 soap.

Scanlan played Brendan Brady for three years until his departure in 2013, with one of his most notable storylines being his relationship with Richardson's character Ste Hay.

The pair reunited on set back in March when Richardson was filming Ste and James Nightingale's wedding scenes — but don't expect Scanlan to make an appearance when the scenes air next week.

emmett j scanlan
Ken McKay/ITV/Shutterstock

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Explaining Scanlan's unexpected visit, Richardson said: "Emmett actually lives in Chester and was randomly walking past [the set]. One of our makeup artists spotted him and was like, 'Your little Ste's getting married over there'. So he came to say hello."

Although Brady won't be making an appearance at the wedding, Richardson admitted that Scanlan very nearly had a cameo elsewhere.

"There's a scene, actually, where Ste's tied to a lamppost and a passerby takes pictures of him because he finds it funny, and we were thinking, 'Wouldn't it be amazing if we actually got Emmett to play the passerby?'" he shared.

james nightingale and ste hay in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

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"It would work because he looks so different at the minute. He's in another show and he's got to shave his beard, so he looks a bit unrecognisable — really young, actually."

The soap star continued: "It was so weird on the day because there were fans watching — and crew members — so when we were stood together, I think people were expecting something to happen, but we just had a little catch-up.

"It was amazing to see him. Obviously, I'd love for a Stendan reunion to happen, but I don't think that will be any time soon. But who knows what the future holds."

Hollyoaks streams first online via Channel 4, with new episodes dropping each weekday morning. The show airs Mondays to Fridays at 6.30pm on Channel 4, and at 7pm on E4.

Selected omnibus episodes are available via Prime Video.

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