These Are the Most and Least Stressed U.S. States in 2024, According to WalletHub

Crime rates, healthcare, and economic status all play key roles in determining the result.

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WalletHub recently released its Most & Least Stressed States 2024 report to help understand which areas offer the most relaxing lifestyle with as little stress as possible. The personal finance company compared all 50 states nationwide, focusing on four key stress-related factors, including work, money, family, and health and safety. Here is what the company found in their research.

Related: 7 Physical Signs You're Way More Stressed Than You Realize

What Are the Most and Least Stressed States?

Louisiana is the country’s most stressed state because of its high crime rate and the third-highest divorce rate nationwide. The state also has the second-highest poverty rate and second-lowest median credit score, so financial stability and chance for improvement have been major stress factors for many residents.

On the other side of the scale, Minnesota is the least stressed state in the country. The state has one of the lowest poverty ratings in the nation (third after Utah and New Hampshire), is one of the top five states with the lowest divorce rates, and has the highest credit score rating in the nation.

Top 10 Most Stressed States in the U.S.

  1. Louisiana

  2. Mississippi

  3. Nevada

  4. New Mexico

  5. Arkansas

  6. West Virginia

  7. Alabama

  8. Kentucky

  9. Oklahoma

  10. Texas

Top 10 Least Stressed States in the U.S.

  1. Minnesota

  2. South Dakota

  3. Utah

  4. New Hampshire

  5. Iowa

  6. Idaho

  7. North Dakota

  8. Delaware

  9. Nebraska

  10. Hawaii

The top five least stressed states include Minnesota, South Dakota, Utah, New Hampshire, and Iowa, where many residents are getting more sleep at night, can often find more affordable housing, and some are working fewer hours each week when compared to other states. You can view the report for the full list to see how every state ranked.

Tips for Managing Stress

Whether or not you live in one of the most stressed states, a variety of lifestyle factors can play a role in how stressed out you feel on a regular basis. And everyone needs some help to relax and unwind from time-to-time. Here are some ideas to help you decompress.

  • Slow down your breathing: Be more mindful of each breath so you aren’t shallow breathing, which can cause stress levels to increase thanks to adding more tension to the body. Try the 4-7-8 breathing strategy that focuses on first inhaling through your nose, holding your breath, and exhaling through your mouth.

  • Get enough sleep: Make sure you're lying down in bed early enough to get the recommended 7 to 9 hours of rest per night. If you struggle to fall asleep, these techniques can help.

  • Meditate or try yoga: These activities help unwind your mind and body. Plus, it's important to move your body, and yoga helps do just that.

  • Journal about what you are feeling: Simply putting everything down on the page can help release negative thoughts.

  • Spend time doing activities that make you laugh: A good laugh can relieve stress and allow your mind and muscles to relax. Watch a funny show or schedule a hangout with friends who make you laugh.

  • Set a budget: If finances are stressing you out, consider planning a monthly budget (and stick to it). Consider areas of your life that cost the most (like grocery shopping) and see where you can make adjustments.

  • Build your credit: Poor credit is another major financial stressor for many people. Consider these ways to build and maintain good credit so you can develop consistent good financial habits and open up new opportunities for yourself.

  • Make a list: When we are stressed we often feel less in control of what is going on with our lives. Gain back more control by making lists with tasks you can quickly and easily accomplish to give you the satisfaction of checking them off. Plus, lists can help you remember your to-dos without having to actively think about them.

  • Consider therapy: If your stress stems from your relationships, therapy (including individual, couple's, and family therapy) is a great way to learn communication and coping strategies to alleviate some of life's biggest hurdles.

  • Set healthy boundaries: Both in personal relationships and at work, setting boundaries can help you avoid burnout and positively impact your overall emotional well-being.

  • Stay hydrated: Lastly, hydration is key as it helps your body react to stress better, among many other health benefits.

Related: 7 Effective Ways to Relieve Stress Quickly, According to Experts

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Read the original article on Real Simple.