New Ben Stiller 'gross-out' comedy Eggplant Emoji sounds truly gross

Gross… new Stiller comedy pivots on a unfortunate camping accident – Credit: Fox
Gross… new Stiller comedy pivots on a unfortunate camping accident – Credit: Fox

Ben Stiller appears to be returning to the ‘gross-out’ style of comedy he embraced in movies like ‘There’s Something About Mary’ with his new project.

But ‘The Eggplant Emoji’, as it’s being called, goes a tad further than getting trapped in your own zipper on prom night.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the plot centres around a teenager who accidentally cuts off his penis on a camping trip, and the ensuing scramble to save the aforementioned member before it’s too late.

The report goes on to say: “The intent is to make a comedy in the vein of ‘Superbad’, something that focused on friendship but throbbed with insane situations and R-rated language.”

(Credit: GQ/YouTube)
(Credit: GQ/YouTube)

Netflix reportedly beat five other bidders to buy the movie from Stiller’s Red Hour Films company, with Blake Anderson, Adam Devine, Anders Holm, and Kyle Newacheck from ‘Workaholics’ on Comedy Central also involved on the production side.

It’s been penned by Kevin Burrows and Matt Mider, the writers behind consciously zeitgeisty animation series ‘Gentlemen Lobsters’, hosted online by GQ magazine.

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