Reese Witherspoon Celebrates Legally Blonde’s 15th Anniversary With A ‘Bend And Snap’

Prepare to feel old, because today marks the 15th anniversary of ‘Legally Blonde’ being released into cinemas.

The film’s star Reese Witherspoon didn’t waste anytime celebrating this momentous occasion as she took to her Instagram to post a video of her re-creating one of the film’s most famous scenes, where Elle Woods showcases the “Bend & Snap”.

You can head over to Reese Witherspoon’s Instagram account now to check it out.

Can’t quite remember what the “Bend & Snap” is even though it has a 98% success rate of getting a man’s attention? Don’t fret, because I’ve got you covered. Just watched the clip below and you’ll soon be all the wiser.

While 1999’s ‘Election’ had showcased Witherspoon’s undeniable charm and talent, it was with ‘Legally Blonde’ that the actress turned into a global phenomenon, something which she has since built upon with an array of fine performances including her Oscar-winning turn as June Carter Cash in ‘Walk The Line’.

But Witherspoon clearly still has an affinity for her turn as Elle Woods in ‘Legally Blonde’, something that she has showcased on Twitter throughout its anniversary, as it has been awash with retweets and posts about the film.


For those of you wondering what all the fuss is about, the fact that 15 years later four women rebooting a dormant franchise caused such a pathetic online ruckus proves exactly why films like ‘Legally Blonde’, characters like Elle Woods, and performances as subversive as Reese Witherspoon need to be celebrated.

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[Images via Instagram and MGM]