Rumour: Are James Bond producers planning a 'movie universe'?

BCU?… could Bond become a ‘cinematic universe’? – Credit: Sony Pictures
BCU?… could Bond become a ‘cinematic universe’? – Credit: Sony Pictures

A franchise just isn’t a franchise these days unless it’s a ‘movie universe’ with all manner of spin-offs and whatnot.

And the latest property that could be about get the ‘universe’ treatment is the James Bond franchise, according to reports.

The rumour comes from film reporter Jeff Sneider who tweeted: “I’ve heard the Broccolis have caught Universe Fever and would love to explore other corners of the Bond franchise… simultaneously.”

He refers of course to Bond producer Barbara Broccoli, of Eon Productions, the company which has been the big screen custodian of Ian Fleming’s 007 since ‘Dr. No’ in 1962.

It’s something of a bombshell to drop without further attribution, but it’s perhaps not such a leap to discover that such discussions may be being had.

By modern franchise standards, the Bond movies are a pretty ponderous affair, one coming along every few years, its star being changed perhaps once a decade or so.

Shifting into the ‘cinematic universe’ model would be an obvious way to boost revenue from the brand, with characters from the 007 universe taking on their own stories.

(Credit: Sony Pictures)
(Credit: Sony Pictures)

A Moneypenny movie with Naomie Harris, or a spin-off with Jeffrey Wright’s CIA man Felix Leiter or Ben Whishaw’s weapons expert Q would not seem out of the question.

Sneider also added that he’s heard Daniel Craig will indeed be returning for the 25th Bond film, though so far there’s been no confirmation either way from Eon.

If he does, it would most likely be his last outing in the tuxedo, which could perhaps clean the slate for the James Bond Cinematic Universe to be spawned.

So far, a release date (and a lead actor) for Bond 25 is yet to be confirmed.

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