Halle Bailey
- EntertainmentYahoo Movies UK
When is The Little Mermaid remake streaming on Disney+?
Halle Bailey plays Ariel in the latest Disney live-action remake, but when can you watch it from home?
6-min read - EntertainmentYahoo Movies UK
Paloma Faith knocks 'sh*t' message behind The Little Mermaid remake
Disney's new live-action remake has taken a bit of a battering from popstar Paloma Faith after she saw it with her kids.
2-min read - EntertainmentYahoo Movies UK
The Little Mermaid: Every Easter egg and cameo in 2023 remake
Disney's 2023 remake of The Little Mermaid features a few fun blink-and-you'll-miss-it moments for fans.
3-min read - EntertainmentYahoo Movies UK
Who is The Little Mermaid star Halle Bailey?
R&B singer Halle Bailey, of duo Chloe x Halle, plays Ariel in the live-action remake of The Little Mermaid. Here is what you need to know about the star.
3-min read