Harley Quinn Smith

  • EntertainmentYahoo Movies UK

    Kevin Smith's ultra meta 'Jay and Silent Bob Reboot' announces UK cinema release date

    And there isn't long for fans of the View Askewniverse to wait for this one.

  • NewsBen Bussey

    Kevin Smith & Harley Quinn Smith Get Tearful In Yoga Hosers Interview

    You wouldn’t think that an ultra-low brow comedy about a duo of teenage convenience store clerks and yoga enthusiasts who do battle with an army of Nazi sausages could in any way result in a bracing attack of ‘the feels’ – but you might be surprised. Yahoo Movies invited Harley Quinn Smith, co-lead of ‘Yoga Hosers’ and daughter of director Kevin Smith, to interview her father on the eve of the film’s US theatrical release, and both parties were tearful by the end. In the interview, Smith Jr. o

  • NewsBen Arnold

    Kevin Smith Tears Into Daughter's Online Troll Brilliantly

    It seems that the only way that we can hope to deter the more repugnant trolls hiding behind their computer screens is to shame them one by one. Sure, it’ll take a while, but director Kevin Smith appears up to the challenge. Yesterday, Smith took one particularly loathsome keyboard warrior and eviscerated him for truly vile remarks he decided to make about an innocuous picture posted by his daughter, actress Harley Quinn Smith.

  • NewsBen Bussey

    New Kevin Smith & Rob Zombie Horror Movies To Premiere At Sundance Film Festival

    Two of the most anticipated new horror movies of 2016 from two of the most prominent American cult directors of our time are set to enjoy their premiere screenings at the next Sundance Film Festival. Variety have announced the line-up for Sundance’s Midnight thread, a section dedicated to the more macabre end of independent filmmaking - and among them are the latest cinematic offerings from Kevin Smith and Rob Zombie. Kevin Smith made his name at Sundance with his ultra-low budget debut ‘Clerk

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