John Hillcoat

  • EntertainmentYahoo Movies UK

    10 horrifying, gut-punch movies to watch this Halloween

    Read on to explore 10 frighteners so unflinching and bleak, you’ll never need — or maybe even want — to watch them twice.

    14-min read
  • NewsTom Butler

    First Triple 9 Trailer Showcases Incredible Cast

    The new crime thriller from the director of ‘Lawless’ and ‘The Road’ takes its name from the police radio code for “officer down”, and tells the story of a crew of dirty cops who are blackmailed into performing an impossible heist. Kate Winslet is virtually unrecognisable as the head of a Russian crime syndicate with her bouffant hair and flashy gold jewellery, and future Wonder Woman Gal Gadot plays her sultry younger sister. Elsewhere you’ve got Oscar nominees Casey Affleck, Chiwitel Ejiofor

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