Leonard Nimoy

  • EntertainmentYahoo Movies UK

    How 'The Wrath of Khan' changed Star Trek forever

    Forty years ago, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan was released and became an instant classic among the science fiction franchise’s fanbase.

    6-min read
  • NewsYahoo Movies UK

    Leonard Nimoy 'cooked up' Star Trek's death of Spock for leverage, says William Shatner

    William Shatner thinks there was something rotten in the state of the USS Enterprise when it came to the death of Leonard Nimoy's Mr Spock.

  • NewsVariety

    ‘Star Trek’ Producer, a Latino, Uses Racial Slur to Describe Mr. Spock

    Roberto Orci, a producer for “Star Trek,” says he has a special bond with one of the franchise’s most popular characters. Orci, a Mexican-born filmmaker, likens Mr. Spock to an illegal alien in modern society, and would refer to the fictional character as “Mr. Spic” when developing the “Star Trek” movies and TV series. “I... <a href="http://variety.com/2016/film/news/star-trek-racial-slur-roberto-orci-spock-1201906378/" title="Read ‘Star Trek’ Producer, a Latino, Uses Racial Slur to Describe Mr

  • NewsBen Child

    Five Abandoned Star Trek Movies You’ll Never Get to See

    It’s been 50 years since Captain James T Kirk and pointy-eared pal Spock first strode onto our television screens, bringing us wide-eyed Apollo-era optimism, the world’s first interracial TV snog and furry space critters named Tribbles. It would be another 13 years, in the wake of Star Wars’ spectacular box office success, before the crew of the Enterprise made it to the big screen with 1979’s middling ‘Star Trek: The Motion Picture’. Since then there have been a round dozen films in total, wi

  • NewsBen Arnold

    William Shatner On His Deathbed Rift With Leonard Nimoy

    William Shatner has told how his friend and former co-star Leonard Nimoy stopped talking to him in the years before his death. A rift developed between the two, one that Shatner says he is still confounded by, particularly because he describes Nimoy as the only real friend he ever had. In a new book by Shatner called ‘Leonard: My Fifty-Year Relationship With A Remarkable Man’, he says the pair stopped talking after Nimoy said he wouldn’t be involved in a film Shatner was making.

  • NewsTom Butler

    William Shatner Crowdsources Touching Leonard Nimoy Tribute

    William Shatner may not have been able to attend Leonard Nimoy’s funeral (he was out of town at a charity function), but that didn’t stop the original Captain Kirk from paying tribute to his old friend in the most amazing fashion. The former ‘Star Trek’ actor cryptically put out a request for “Live Long and Prosper” selfies to his 2.2m Twitter followers at the start of August, saying: “I need everyone’s help. The photo showing Leonard Nimoy making the famous Vulcan hand gesture is made up of t

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