Roar uthaug

  • NewsYahoo Movies UK

    Plot details revealed for Tomb Raider reboot

    More than 13 years since her last big screen appearance, video game heroine Lara Croft is getting the reboot treatment – and now we have our first hints of what her next story will be about. 2001’s ‘Lara Croft: Tomb Raider’ and its 2003 sequel ‘Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life’ saw Angelina Jolie memorably portray the role (alas, she was the only really memorable thing about either film), but the upcoming ‘Tomb Raider’ will see recent Oscar-winner Alicia Vikander (Best Supporting Actr

  • NewsBen Bussey

    Director Hired For Tomb Raider Reboot

    Looks like the most iconic video game heroine of all time is on her way back to the big screen - and now we know the director who will bring her there.

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