Rob Zombie

  • EntertainmentYahoo Movies UK

    Everything leaving Netflix UK in May 2023 from Ammonite to iZombie

    Here's a rundown of all the movies and TV shows leaving Netflix UK in May 2023, from Blade Runner 2049 to iZombie.

    3-min read
  • EntertainmentYahoo Movies UK

    'The Munsters' movie shares first look at cast

    Director Rob Zombie has shared a first look at the cast of his upcoming remake of the 1960s sitcom The Munsters.

    2-min read
  • NewsYahoo Movies UK

    Rob Zombie making a sequel to The Devil's Rejects

    The rocker-turned-filmmaker's 2005 feature (a key title in the 'torture porn' era) is widely regarded his best film.

  • NewsBen Arnold

    John Carpenter slams Rob Zombie's Halloween, calls him a 'lying piece of s**t'

    Horror legend John Carpenter really isn’t much of a fan of Rob Zombie anymore. And in a video that’s been unearthed by Entertainment Weekly, the veteran helmsman lets loose about the movie director over Zombie’s 2007 remake of ‘Halloween’. – Captain America: Civil War submitted for Oscars consideration – Michael Palin’s heartbreaking tribute to Terry Jones – Sam Neill confirms he’s in Thor: Ragnarok ‘Halloween’ is, of course, a true classic of the genre, made by Carpenter in 1978. ...