The Exorcist
- EntertainmentYahoo Movies UK
The best 30 horror films of all time according to fans
From The Exorcist to Midsommar, horror films new and old have been voted for by movie buffs to create a definitive watchlist for Halloween.
3-min read - NewsYahoo TV UK
The UK's most notorious haunted houses
For Halloween enthusiasts seeking a spooky thrill, here's our list of the UK's top haunted houses,
6-min read - EntertainmentYahoo Movies UK
Psycho named the best horror film of all time as the top 10 list is revealed
New data has revealed the top 10 horror films of all time, and Alfred Hitchcock's 1960 classic has landed in top place.
4-min read - EntertainmentYahoo Movies UK
How making The Exorcist was scarier than the movie itself
William Friedkin has passed away aged 87, but he leaves behind a lasting legacy as a horror filmmaker.
4-min read