
  • EntertainmentYahoo Movies UK

    'Waterworld' at 25: How Kevin Costner made one of the most expensive movies ever

    To mark the film’s 25th anniversary, screenwriter Peter Rader shared some stories from "the crazy ride that was 'Waterworld'".

    12-min read
  • NewsBen Falk

    What Happened To Kevin Costner? Six Ways To Reboot His Career

    Between 1987 and 1992, Kevin Costner had a quite staggering run. From the brilliant Al Capone movie ‘The Untouchables’ and vastly underrated thriller ‘No Way Out’, he starred in one quality hit after another, including ‘Field of Dreams’, ‘Bull Durham’, ‘Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves’ and ‘JFK’. In 1992, he appeared opposite Whitney Houston in ‘The Bodyguard’, the soundtrack to which remains the best-selling of all time, having shifted more than 47 million copies.

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