The Scariest Children In Horror History


If horror movies have taught us anything, it’s this: children are terrifying. Whether they’re ghost children, monster children, or weird psychic alien children – be afraid, be very afraid.

That’s exactly what Sara (Julia Stiles) and her family discover in new haunted house flick ‘Out Of The Dark’, when they move to a new home in Columbia, only find the place haunted by dozens of horrifying little tykes…

To celebrate, we’ve come up with a chilling list of cinema’s most horrific kiddie-winks ever.


Gage Creed - Pet Sematary (1989)

What Is He? A zombified toddler, brought back to life after his grieving father buries him in the local “pet sematary”, where things come back to from the dead.

Why So Scary? He’s all quiet and dead behind the eyes, in classic terrifying tot form.

Most Gruesome Moment: Slicing the Achilles’ tendon of the poor old neighbour with a scalpel – a wince-inducing moment that warped the mind of many a childhood.


Regan MacNeil - The Exorcist (1973)

What Is She? Cherubic 12-year-old turned potty-mouthed brat after a spot of demonic possession.

Why So Scary? For starters, she turns her head all the way round (that’ll sting once the exorcism’s finished) and gobs all over the vicar. Plus, she can make the bed float. Sounds cool, but it’s actually quite scary.

Most Gruesome Moment? Well, she stinks, she’s covered in horrible scabs, and has awful things to say about your mother. Worst of all though, she ruins a perfectly good crucifix.


‘It’ -  It’s Alive (1974)

What Is It? Hideously deformed newborn son to Frank and Lenore Davis. It’s got one of those faces that only a mother can love. But then, don’t most babies?

Why So Scary? In a cruel twist of irony, whenever the baby feels scared, it attacks and kills with its vicious fangs and claws. It’s tragic really – like a pint-sized Frankenstein’s Monster.

Most Gruesome Moment? Killing a doctor at the hospital, immediately after being born. To be fair, the doctor did try to kill it first.


The Grady Twins - The Shining (1980)

What Are They? Horrifying identical twins who haunt the hallways of the Overlook Hotel after being butchered by their stir-crazy father.

Why So Scary? There’s nothing more terrifying that a silent, dead-eyed little girl. Let alone two of them. Plus, they’re pretty much ginger.

Most Gruesome Moment? They’re more into foreshadowing horror than doing it themselves. Their appearance usually leads to a load of blood gushing out of an elevator, or copping off with the rotting corpse of an old lady. You know, that sort of thing.


‘The Children’ - The Village of the Damned (1995)

What Are They? Butter-wouldn’t-melt looking rugrats, all born to the women of Midwich after a mysterious town blackout.

Why So Scary? “It was the children,” says the town minister Luke Skywalker with unintentional hilarity. He’s right, though – as if their strange white hair and glowy eyes wasn’t terrifying enough, these little buggers have powerful telekinetic powers too, which they use mostly for killing their parents.

Most Gruesome Moment? Using the ol’ mind-control trick to make one poor mum stick her arm in a pot of boiling stew.

‘Out of the Dark’ is out on DVD Monday 22 June.

Picture credits: Apaches Entertainment, Paramount Pictures, Warner Bros., Hawk Films, Universal Pictures.