Why Sebastian Stan Is Captain America: Civil War’s Not-So-Secret Weapon


Marvel fans are going stone cold loopy for the first ‘Captain America: Civil War’ trailer and not necessarily for the reasons you’d expect.

Sure, It’s jam-packed with heroes and feels more like ‘Avengers 2.5′ than it does ‘Captain America 3′. Yes, it promises an epic showdown between two of the MCU’s most beloved heroes - Cap and Iron Man. And let’s not forget it’s going to introduce two huge new MCU characters in the shape of Black Panther and Spider-Man.

No, the film’s secret weapon - the one thing that’s driving fans wild online - is Sebastian Stan’s Bucky. Amazingly, the online fervour for Sebastian Stan eclipses even the love shown for the film’s leads Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr.

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A quick search on Tumblr after the release of the ‘Civil War’ trailer this morning was quite revealing. Everyone wanted to talk about Sebastian Stan and specifically his relationship with Steve. Online “shippers” even have a name for it - Stucky.


Whatever you do, DON’T Google image search it at work. We learned that the hard way.

People LOVE Sebastian. They love The Winter Soldier. And more than anything they love Bucky. And luckily for his fans, he looks like he’s playing a major part in the new film.

When the first ‘Civil War’ footage was revealed at Comic Con (it’s not online yet), the key moment for Bucky fans came during a fight between Chris Evans’ Cap and Frank Grillo’s Crossbones. Crossbones taunts Steve about his former pal who was turned evil and brainwashed by Hydra by saying: “You know, he remembered you. Your pal, your buddy, your Bucky.”


“Your Bucky” has become a rallying cry for his fans, inspiring countless memes, and it shows no sign of abating.

To demonstrate the power the 33-year-old actor wields online, allow me to digress for a second.

Back in August I was leaving the office one night and I spotted Stan in London. He was stood outside Fopp with his girlfriend, looking at a map, and the pair of them looked like any young couple on vacation. I toyed with the idea of giving him a “what’s up?”, but thought better of it. Give them some space I thought.

Anyway, I tweeted about my celeb spot the following day and my Twitter feed blew up.

The post got retweeted over 130 times and I got countless replies from his fans who needed to know more. It’s like i’d been in the presence of One Direction or something, it was crazy.

And that’s generally the sort of reaction he gets everywhere online.


If the marketing bods at Marvel are wise, they’ll push the Stucky angle for everything it’s worth, and who knows - perhaps it could even beat ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ at the box office. And it’s all down to Sebastian Stan.


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Image credits: Marvel/Disney