Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie fan ‘fixes’ character design

Franchise fans have taken it upon themselves to align the new Turtles design with the old.

The first trailer for the new live action ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ movie caused some consternation amongst franchise fans when it landed the other day, mainly over the new look of the reptiles themselves.

Watch it above.

Fans were concerned by the updated look of the "heroes in half-shells”, which has flattened the distinctive rounded noses, and - shock horror – added nostrils and weird lips.

[Michael Bay walks off-stage following presentation fail]

A Reddit user has posted a link to a gallery of images showing a fan-made adjustment to the new design that brings it into line with the Turtles designs of years gone by.

Check them out below.

What do you think? An improvement, or just fan fury gone too far? Let us know in the comments below.

All this talk of Turtles’ noses has reminded us of one of our favorite Tumblr blogs, http://teenagemutantninjanoses.tumblr.com/.
