Viggo Mortensen shows off his Spanish in new Everybody Has A Plan trailer (Exclusive)

Aragorn’s going Argentinean.

Viggo Mortensen is showing off his Spanish, twice.

The new trailer for foreign language thriller ‘Everybody Has A Plan’ has arrived, fronting the ‘Lord Of The Rings’ star as Argentinean identical twins.

Check out the creepy trailer above, exclusive to Yahoo! Movies UK.

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‘Everybody Has A Plan’, directed by Argentinean newcomer Ana Piterbarg, sees Mortensen play Agustin - a frustrated man who takes on his twin brother Pedro’s identity after his death. Agustin then returns to his childhood home, as Pedro, hoping to make a new start – only he gets dragged into the mysterious criminal world that his brother was a part of.

Mortensen’s Spanish turn isn’t all that surprising though. The actor, who was born in New York to a Danish dad, lived in Venezuela, Denmark and Argentina itself as a child, before returning to the US when he was 11. In a 2008 interview with Time, Viggo even admitted that when it comes to acting he felt he could “get to the heart of the matter better in Spanish.”

He’s also speaks conversational French and Italian, understands Swedish and Norwegian and is fluent in his dad’s native Danish. Don’t act like you’re not impressed.

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Mortensen’s multi-lingual skills are definitely amazing, but he’s not quite the first Hollywood type to “go foreign” for a movie role.

Silver screen Legend Burt Lancaster starred in epic Italian classic ‘The Leopard’ back in 1963, giving Luchino Visconti’s movie the American star power it needed. He spoke Italian throughout the film (though there is a little-seen English version), but he was dubbed anyway. You wonder why they didn’t get an Italian in the first place.

‘Silence Of The Lambs’ star Jodie Foster grew up attending an LA based French prep school, meaning the actress now speaks the language so fluently that she dubs her own movies for French audiences.

For our money though, crazy Captain Kirk favourite William Shatner still holds the most impressive (and weirdest) linguistic record, having starred in forgotten horror oddity ‘Incubus’ – a movie filmed entirely in Esperanto. For the unaware (which is most of us), Esperanto was the experimental “universal language” developed in the late 19th century to break down national language barriers. Except it didn’t really work. By 1966, when ‘Incubus’ stumbled its way onto screens, Esperanto was already dying – meaning the only person who can probably still watch the movie is Shatner himself. We bet he does as well.

‘Everybody Has A Plan’ is out in the UK 31 May 2013.