What stars did with their Oscars

Who knew that the most popular place to stash an Academy Award was the bathroom?

For something that's only 13 inches tall, Oscar, that little gold man, is the most sought after prize in Tinsel Town. But what do you do with it once you've actually got one? To help this year's new owners decide exactly how to stash their statue, we’ve turned to the winners of yesteryear and dug out the most popular places to keep an Academy Award. Better clear some space in the loo…

Nicole Kidman
The former Mrs Tom Cruise told InStyle that her Academy Award is on the mantelpiece of her parent’s house in Sydney, Australia. “People in the neighbourhood can come touch that gold Oscar,” she said.

Kate Winslet

In an interview with ‘GMTV’, canny Kate said she keeps her Oscar in the toilet because “everybody wants to touch it, everybody wants to hold it and go 'Oh, my gosh,' and 'How heavy is it?' So I figured if I put it [in there], then people can avoid the whole, 'Where's your Oscar?' thing."

Goldie Hawn
Hawn told Outlook India that for a while she kept her Oscar (yes, she has won one) in her meditation room, or ‘India Room’, as she called it. We’re not sure where it is now.

Jamie Foxx
Apparently Jamie is so worried that his buddies will nick his Academy Award (that he won for ‘Ray’), he keeps it at his manager’s house. He still visits it occasionally though.

Emma Thompson
Thompson’s another star who keeps her Oscar in the bathroom, because it looks “far too outré anywhere else," she told Time. It’s a hard life, eh?

Timothy Hutton
You might not remember Hutton, but he nabbed an Oscar back in 1981 for his supporting turn in ‘Ordinary People’. Guests at his house are in for a shock when they go the fridge to pick up a beer – it’s where he keeps the award. His sister thought it would be funny.

Anna Paquin
The ‘True Blood’ star, who won aged just 11 way back in 1994 for ‘The Piano’, said her statuette was "in the bottom of my closet, gathering dust."

Nick Park
The Aardman genius, who’s won several Oscars for the Wallace & Gromit adventures, isn’t one for hogging the limelight. The statues are kept in the Aardman canteen so everyone can enjoy them.

Gwyneth Paltrow
According to The Mail, the blubbing winner of Best Actress for ‘Shakespeare in Love’ hasn’t taken her Academy Award out of its box. 'I won't put it on my mantelpiece - the thing freaks me out”, she said.