New 100%-rated horror movie confirms March release date

elena carapetis, you'll never find me
New 100%-rated horror movie confirms March releaseShudder/Morgan Sette

You'll Never Find Me, the new Rotten Tomatoes 100%-rated Australian horror movie, has been given an official release date on streamer Shudder.

Premiering on Friday, March 22, the storyline finds Patrick, an isolated man living at the back of a desolate caravan park, visited by an unnamed woman seeking shelter from a storm.

"As the savage storm worsens, these solitary souls begin to feel threatened – but who should really be afraid?" teases the synopsis.

elena carapetis, you'll never find me
Shudder/Morgan Sette

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After stopping by the recent Tribeca Film Festival, You'll Never Find Me was given quite a reception by critics, whose reviews we've collated below.


"Horror is such a versatile genre, and when it finds its sweet spot, it can be electrifying, emotional, and chilling in equal measure. You'll Never Find Me is all of these things and more, and its ending will evoke such a visceral reaction of shock and awe.

"The performances are top-notch, and the horror aspects, which settle in the heart and don't abate, are excellently utilised. This is the kind of story that will have you experiencing a myriad of emotions while provoking thought – the mark of a great film."

brendan rock, you'll never find me
Shudder/Ian Routledge

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Bloody Disgusting

"You'll Never Find Me, the feature directorial debut by Indianna Bell and Josiah Allen, is a somber tale set on a dark and stormy night. But the filmmakers instead reclaim the quintessential setup to blend grim, contemporary horror with a classic haunted house aesthetic, resulting in a claustrophobic, oft-unsettling chamber piece.

"While it bides its time to get there, revelling in the subtle details, extensive dialogue, and brooding mood along the way, Bell and Allen's confident grasp on this story ensures it culminates in a finale that'll haunt you."


"You'll Never Find Me is, for the most part, a two-hander, confining itself to an Aristotelian unity of time and place (a single trailer home in the wee hours), and further tightening the intensity of its spare scenario by gradually reducing the lighting and favouring tight close-ups.

"It is both a tour de force of minimalist filmmaking, and a class act, as [actors Brendan Rock and Jordan Cowan] barely ever raise their voices and give little away beyond their shared, infectious vibe of mutual suspicion, fear and mistrust."

You'll Never Find Me premieres March 22 on Shudder.

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