A third Sex and the City movie is 'nearby', says Sarah Jessica Parker

SATC 3?... SJP says a third film is 'nearby' - Credit: Warner Bros
SATC 3?… SJP says a third film is ‘nearby’ – Credit: Warner Bros

Manolos and Cosmos at the ready… Sarah Jessica Parker has said that a third ‘Sex and the City’ movie is potentially on the cards.

She made the tantalisingly cryptic remarks during an interview on the ‘Sunday Morning’ show on CBS yesterday.

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Asked if there were plans underway for a third movie, she replied: “I will say that the idea, it rests in the butler’s pantry.

“It’s not on the table, but someone is holding it fairly nearby.”

The reply – with all its strange Downton Abbey imagery – tallies with previous comments she’s made about all four of the TV series’ main characters being up for another crack of the whip.

Only last month, she told the Press Association: “I don’t think any of us have said no. I don’t know whether it’s a series or the movie.

“I think that remains an open question and discussion that will continue until it’s been resolved. I think that’s always a possibility, definitely.”

(Credit: Warner Bros)
(Credit: Warner Bros)

It’s a definitely maybe, then.

It would be a brave move, considering the critical savaging that ‘Sex and the City 2’ received back on its release in 2010.

The film, which saw SJP and chums head off for a jolly in Abu Dhabi, took a panning, with Andrew O’Hagan in the Evening Standard writing: “This could be the most stupid, the most racist, the most polluting and women-hating film of the year.”

Mark Kermode added that as well as it being his worst film of the year, he couldn’t think of anything produced that was ‘more poisonous, more repugnant, more repulsive, more retrograde, more depressing than ‘Sex and the City 2’.

That said, the movie turned a profit, making $294 million at the box office, though that figure was over $100 million less than the first movie in 2008.