Bale almost quit Batman over suit

Outfit left actor feeling claustrophobic

Christian Bale has said that he almost quit playing Batman because of the suit.

The actor revealed that he considered telling director Christopher Nolan that he might have to recast the role of the Dark Knight after the first time he tried on the infamous cowl.

“I felt like they should recast,” he told Access Hollywood. “I really did because it was so claustrophobic that I didn’t feel like I could breathe. I felt they’ve made a mistake and I can’t do this.”

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But he did eventually overcome his fear of rubber, adding that since then, the design of the suit has continued to improve.

“I took some time and breathed deeply and asked to be left alone for 15, 20 minutes and just sat with it and eventually got used to it.”

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But despite his costume shaking his resolve, Bale has long been known for going to extreme lengths to ensure realism in his roles.

His weight dropped to just over eight stone to play junkie ex-boxer Dickie Ecklund in 'The Fighter', and he lost a shocking five stone to play the insomniac Trevor Reznik in 'The Machinist'.