Barbenheimer and 9 more iconic movie pairs released on the same day

margot robbie barbie cillian murphy oppenheimer
Barbenheimer and 9 more iconic movie pairsWarner Bros/Universal

Not since David killed Goliath has there been a more epic historical battle than the one that's playing out between Barbie and Oppenheimer.

Both films have been pitted against each other in cinemas on the very same day, but make no mistake: Barbie and Oppenheimer are both absolute powerhouses in their own right. There's no obvious victor here, and only time will tell which movie will emerge triumphant.

This isn't the first time that studios have clashed with big name releases either. Over the years, audiences have been forced time and time again to choose between some classic films on opening weekend.

Join us here at Digital Spy as we look back at some of cinema's biggest rivalries with all the explosive Ken-ergy we can muster.

1. Batman vs Honey, I Shrunk the Kids

batman 1989, honey i shrunk the kids
Warner Bros./Disney

To go up against Tim Burton's Batman was a pretty bold move. Marketing for that film was everywhere in the summer of 1989, but Disney's little film that could, Honey, I Shrunk the Kids, fared far better than anyone expected upon its release on June 23.

In terms of box office, Batman was the clear winner by a wide margin, yet that didn't stop this family comedy from inspiring two more sequels, a TV series, and even a long-running Disney Parks attraction.

2. The Matrix vs 10 Things I Hate About You

the matrix, 10 things i hate about you
Warner Bros. and Disney/Touchstone

In a battle reminiscent of Barbenheimer, The Matrix and 10 Things I Hate About You both came out on March 31, 1999.

At the time, Keanu Reeves' game-changing sci-fi redefined an entire genre, and its influence continues to be felt today. It's no wonder then that 10 Things failed to beat the Wachowski's at the box office.

Since then though, this Shakespeare-inspired coming of age story has become a cult classic that still resonates deeply with fans of a certain age... Us. We're those fans.

3. Jumanji vs Heat

jumanji and heat
Sony Pictures/ Warner Bros.

One of these films starred the greatest actor of his generation. The other was led by Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro.

Yes, we are of course referring to Robin William's Jumanji, an all-time great family film. But of course, Heat is also a bona fide classic in its own right, which made cinemas the place to be when both films arrived on December 15, 1995.

4. Ghostbusters vs Gremlins

ghostbusters, gremlins
Columbia Pictures/Warner Bros.

On June 8, 1984, cinema-goers were faced with an impossible choice. Both Ivan Reitman's Ghostbusters and Joe Dante's Gremlins explored similar spooky themes, but if you only saw one of them, you were going to miss out on an instant classic.

Thankfully, most audiences seemed to pick both options (though under-15s were obliged to stick with the ghosts) as Ghostbusters and Gremlins each went on to become the second and fourth highest-grossing films of that year, earning $229 and $148 million respectively.

5. Elf vs Love Actually

elf and love actually
Warner Bros./Universal

Whole years can go by without a Christmas classic and then boom, two come at once. Which one do you choose? That was the dilemma cinema-goers were forced to face on November 7th, 2003, when Elf and Love Actually brought A-list festive charm to screens worldwide.

Will Ferrell won out in the end with what still remains his highest-grossing live-action film to date. But to us, and countless others, you are still perfect, Love Actually.

6. Toy Story vs Casino

toy story and casino

Sometimes two instant classics come along that are entirely different from each other in reach and style, which makes things a lot easier for audiences forced to choose between the two. Case in point, Toy Story and Casino, which arrived together on November 22, 1995.

One is a game-changing animation with family appeal and the other saw a seasoned veteran, Martin Scorsese, return to the genre he does best. Both achieved huge success, although Toy Story's cultural impact continues to be felt even now, to infinity and beyond.

7. The Empire Strikes Back vs The Shining

star wars the empire strikes back and the shining
Lucas Films/Warner Bros.

Has there ever been a film more highly anticipated than The Empire Strikes Back AKA Star Wars II, as some fans described it ahead of May 21, 1980?

It's easy to forget then that The Shining, a titan of the horror genre, also premiered in a few major cities on the exact same day. A larger rollout followed later, helping to establish Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece as a scarring, soul-destroying success in its own right.

8. Blade Runner vs The Thing

blade runner and the thing
Warner Bros./Universal Pictures

On June 25, 1982, a world still obsessed with Steven Spielberg's ET overlooked another two iconic sci-fi films in the form of Ridley Scott's Blade Runner and John Carptenter's The Thing.

Both movies showcased the talents of two legendary directors at the height of their powers, and even if audiences didn't fully recognise that at the time, they've now gone on to become regarded as full-blown masterpieces that the world can't live without.

9. The Dark Knight vs Mamma Mia!

the dark knight and mama mia
Warner Bros./Universal Pictures

Batman has gained many enemies over the years, but is there any more powerful than Meryl Streep clad in dungarees?

Back on July 18, 2008, director Christopher Nolan was forced to compete with Mamma Mia! in the same kind of way he is right now with Barbie. The gamble paid off for both studios though as the films went on to become mammoth hits.

Will divided audiences turn out for Barbie and Oppenheimer in the same way? We would say the winner takes it all, but the real winner here is us, the film fans.

Barbie and Oppenheimer are released in cinemas on July 21.

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