Cheeky fan gives Kate Winslet nude Titanic drawing at Divergent premiere
He drew her like one of his French girls.

Kate Winslet was presented with a worryingly impressive replica of the nude drawing of her character in ‘Titanic’ by a cheeky fan at the ‘Divergent’ premiere.
[Watch: Kate Winslet's first 'Titanic' screen test]
Winslet, who famously played Rose in James Cameron’s record-breaking epic, was signing autographs for fans at the Los Angeles event when she was handed the unusual gift.
From what we can see from the photo, it looks like a replica of the saucy drawing of her character by Leonardo DiCaprio’s Jack Dawson in the movie.

She asked him to “draw me like one of your French girls”, and left the nude picture in a safe to be found by her estranged fiancé Billy Zane.
We wonder what Winslet did with the replica, handed to her by what appears to be a male fan… and if the man in question is now allowed within twenty miles of the Oscar-winning actress.

Winslet plays a key supporting role in dystopian sci-fi ‘Divergent’, based on the young adult book by Veronica Roth and starring Shailene Woodley and Theo James.
Because of it’s female heroine, futuristic setting and teen audience, the project has been dubbed “the next ‘Hunger Games’”. It’s released in the UK on 4 April.