Edgar Wright replies to your World’s End questions
You asked, he answered.

Ahead of tomorrow’s spanking new trailer for upcoming Brit-com ‘The World’s End’, available exclusively to Yahoo!, we got a chance to put your questions directly to director Edgar Wright himself.
We asked for your questions via Twitter #TheWorldsEnd and in our comments sections, and you showered us with need-to-knows for the ‘Shaun Of The Dead’ and ‘Hot Fuzz’ filmmaker.
[First trailer for Edgar Wright's The World's End]
From working on ‘The World’s End’ to drinking competitions and ‘Doctor Who’, here’s what he had to say...
Your Twitter questions
@yahoomovies @simonpegg @edgarwright What was your inspiration? #TheWorldsEnd
— Kellie Huynh (@KellieSHuynh) May 20, 2013
Edgar says: Going back to my hometown and finding that nothing had changed, but everything was different.
@yahoomoviesuk Is The World's End an homage to any specific film, films, or film genre? #TheWorldsEnd
— Alan Gunn (@AlanGunn97) May 20, 2013
Edgar says: I think this film is squarely in the genre of ‘social science fiction’ which has produced many great books, films and TV shows since the second World War.
@universaluk @yahoomoviesuk Where did the idea for the look ''invaders'' come from? -- Amy, Letchworth. #TheWorldsEnd
— Amy (@AmyBTRC) May 20, 2013
Edgar says: It will become more clear when you see the movie – but partly from childhood toys and two film posters images that are not in their respective movies (one from 1975 and one from 1982). Guess what the movies are!
@yahoomoviesuk Was the last day of shooting emotional?#TheWorldsEnd
— Ruwan Heggelman (@RuwanHeggelman) May 20, 2013
Edgar says: Sort of. We had a huge and complicated scene to do on the last day, so we were racing to get it all done. No time for tears.
@yahoomovies From Spaced to all the films, you seem to love an arc about growing out of arrested adolescence. Why this theme? #theworldsend
— Cameron Hussey (@DarthRon69) May 20, 2013
Edgar says: I think it’s a theme that haunts me and Simon, the dubious dream of perpetual adolescence and the idea that someone is always younger than you. I think we finally finish this arc with this movie. The adolescence is over here.
@yahoomovies How does making #TheWorldsEnd feel compared to making the first episode of #spaced?
— Marie Diamond (@itmustbemarie) May 20, 2013
Edgar says: It doesn’t feel that different in a way. Shooting in the UK rarely changes, it’s always tough! But you get to use different toys and hopefully improve and expand your techniques.
@yahoomovies You watched 100's of movies for Hot Fuzz. What sort of movies did you watch / inspired you for The World's End? #TheWorldsEnd
— Matthew Smith (@smitster03) May 20, 2013
Edgar says: Some of the movies, TV shows and books that inspired us were from our childhood. We didn’t watch them again as the central story comes for personal experience. We DID watch two movies on the theme of friends reuniting; ‘It’s Always Fair Weather’ and ‘The Big Chill’.
@yahoomovies in the worlds end trailer there's a little clip of a fence scene. Will there be other nods to your past movies? #theworldsend
— Ralph Blair (@astroralph) May 19, 2013
Edgar says: Some. The fence is the most obvious. The others are more subtle.
@yahoomovies Will there be any cameos from the rest of the Spaced cast in Worlds End? Perhaps... a Jessica Hynes cameo? #TheWorldsEnd
— Val Rodriguez (@Valderaan) May 19, 2013
Edgar says: No Jess in this one. But there are other cameos. Including a man that has yet to appear in the films.
@yahoomovies @edgarwright how do you think the world will really end?#TheWorldsEnd
— Marcus(@registradus) May 20, 2013
Edgar says: Underwater.
@yahoomoviesuk #TheWorldsEnd did you originally set out to do a trilogy or was it more because of the success of the previous films? x
— Quinn (@Quinny_90) May 20, 2013
Edgar says: After Hot Fuzz we always thought it would be rude not to wrap the films up in a neat trilogy. I’m glad we waited to write it though as we have more to say on our theme.
@yahoomovies What's with all the trilogy being named after a Cornetto? #TheWorldsEnd
— Patrick Sproull. (@Grumblenook) May 19, 2013
Edgar says: A very long story that began with Cornettos being a hangover cure for me at college…
@yahoomovies be honest, did you make this movie just for the cornettos? :) #theworldsend
— lexi (@tmblexi) May 20, 2013
Edgar says: No. (Yes)
@yahoomoviesuk @edgarwright #theWorldsEnd of all scenes in the Cornetto Trilogy, which was the most fun to shoot? Please say 'White Lines'!
— Jesse Godriguez (@jesR216) May 20, 2013
Edgar says: Hmm. They are fun to write, fun to rehearse and usually extremely hard work to capture on film. Music sequences are always fun; the White Lines, the hip hop dancing in ‘Shaun’, there’s a choreography sequence in the new one.
@yahoomovies @edgarwright any actors you wish had appeared in the cornetto trilogy? #TheWorldsEnd
— Andrea Hewes (@andreahewes) May 19, 2013
Edgar says: We always wanted to get Michael Palin in one of them. But he’s always travelling.
@yahoomovies @edgarwright Would you ever consider making a Hot Fuzz sequel? #TheWorldsEnd
— Keith Adams (@BigBrother1988) May 18, 2013
Edgar says: I don’t think so. Once Angel & Danny became badasses at the end of that movie, their arc is over. ‘The World’s End’ is as close as you will get to a sequel to ‘Shaun’ or ‘Fuzz’.
@yahoomovies whats it like working with simon and nick again? #theworldsend
— lexi (@tmblexi) May 20, 2013
Edgar says: They are a dream to work with. Great actors and lovely guys. And they worked even harder on this movie. Wait until you see them in the fight scenes.
@yahoomovies How has your working relationship changed with Simon and Nick over the course of a decade/three movies? #theworldsend
— Cynthia Yee (@cynthiayee) May 19, 2013
Edgar says: We all eat better and drink less.
@yahoomovies is there anything better than making a movie with your pals? #TheWorldsEnd
— William Jacob Gmerek (@jacobgmerek) May 20, 2013
Edgar says: It’s great to work with friends, both cast and crew. You create a family through your movies. Along with cast and crew from Spaced, Shaun & Fuzz, there were crew members from Scott Pilgrim on this too. I like to be loyal!
@yahoomovies @edgarwright What would be your choice of drink/song for a night out at the pub? #TheWorldsEnd #Aug23
— amber grindstaff (@Ambergrindstaff) May 19, 2013
Edgar says: Red wine or G&T for me. And ‘Drunken Maria’ by The Monks.
@yahoomovies Between Rosamund, Simon, Nick, and Martin, who would win a drinking contest? Your personal drink of choice? #TheWorldsEnd
— Travis (@kleczkat) May 20, 2013
Edgar says: Nick could end us all.
@yahoomoviesuk @edgarwright #TheWorldsEnd What was the first movie you ever shot? Like when you were a kid.
— Ryan Adams (@RyanJoshAdams) May 20, 2013
Edgar says: It has some dubious connotations now. But it was on Super 8 and it was called ‘Rolf Harris Saves The World’. It was a more innocent time.
@yahoomoviesuk @edgarwright if give a chance, would you ever write or direct a Dr. Who eps? #TheWorldsEnd
— Bob A (@boyrant) May 20, 2013
Edgar says: Fact. I was offered ‘Rose’ the first Russell T Davies episode, but I had to pass as it clashed with ‘Shaun’ press. But sure, I’d love to someday.
@yahoomovies @edgarwright What tips do you have for an aspiring writer/director/storyboard artist? #TheWorldsEnd
— Pariya Habbo (@PHabbo) May 20, 2013
Edgar says: Get out there and make mistakes. You are your best teacher. Experiment!

Your questions in our comments sections
Defending Champ - ‘3 different films...3 distinctly different hairdos for Simon Pegg...was that purposefully done for this trilogy? Are Simon's hairdos the Bruce Willis hairdos of this generation?’
Edgar says: “The character in this, Gary King, has the wildest hair. He hasn’t changed it since school. We like to make the three characters all very different.”
Rick - ‘What two films should be watched with The Worlds End for a triple feature?’
Edgar says: Well ‘Shaun’ and ‘Fuzz’. Anything else might be a giveaway at this point.
Chelsey - ‘What kind of apocalypse are we going to see in this? Aliens? Zombies? Fire pit? Some dinosaurs? Just wondering ;) Keep up the Pegg and Frost duo’
Edgar says: A cozy catastrophe!
Steve - ‘Are the glowing blue eyes an intentional reference to Russell Mulcahy's music video for Bonnie Tyler's "Total Eclipse of the Heart"?’
Edgar says: I am slightly obsessed by that video. But the glowing eyes in that are also predated in the 1980 film ‘The Fog’.
Tommy - ‘Who made the decision to have Simon be the wild one and Nick be the calm one?’
Edgar says: Me and Simon. One character has grown up and the other hasn’t.
Q - ‘How do you make films with such great special effects and prod. value when you're working with about half the budget a normal Hollywood action films uses? (P.S. I would gladly trade Avatar for 3 more Scott Pilgrims)’
Edgar says: Go in with a plan! That’s the way to make sure all the money is onscreen.
Karli - ‘Though they're both comedies, "Shaun of the Dead" and "Hot Fuzz" had serious emotional scenes between Nick and Simon's characters that made me cry and really showed off their acting chops; can we expect a similar emotional scene between the two in "The World's End"?’
Edgar says: You can indeed. Perhaps the most emotional of them all.
Aaron - ‘What was the most difficult thing about working on the screenplay?’
Edgar says: We had the idea for the film in 2007 and had a third act that was difficult to figure out. Then we came up with a different resolution a long time after and it all started to fall into place. The screenplay was relatively easy to write as we had been plotting for a long time.
Glenn - ‘Gary King and Andy Knight - will other character names be similarly symbolic? Perhaps Oliver Queen, Peter Bishop and Steven Rook?’
Edgar says: Gary King, Andrew Knightley, Oliver Chamberlain, Peter Page and Steven Prince.
Nat - ‘If the cast and crew from the Cornetto Trilogy did a Pub Crawl, what London Pubs would make the list? Which pub has the best stories/memories?’
Edgar says: Well back in the early 00’s, me and Simon would go to see movies at Odeon Camden Parkway and meet at The World’s End before…
Yahoo! Movies UK premièred the full trailer for ‘The World’s End''. Check it out below...