Emma Roberts: 'Julia Roberts' fame was really scary'

Emma Roberts saw up-close how "scary" fame can be, after watching her aunt Julia Roberts go through it.

Emma, who is the A-lister's niece, admitted she never wanted to be a "massive movie star" like Julia.

"I saw very up close what that really looks like with my aunt Julia," the 33-year-old said on the Table for Two podcast. "It's fun and it's great, but there is a part of it that's really scary."

She added, "Fame has never been the goal, because fame at a certain level is kind of scary."

The Madame Web star admitted she "always wanted to kind of carve my own path", sharing that "even in my later teens, I was like, I never want my fame to outweigh my work. Because there's nothing scarier to me than being so famous that you're never left alone, but also you're not getting good jobs."

Emma started her career in the early 2000s on Nickelodeon, before starring on Scream Queens and American Horror Story.

Julia, 56, is the sister of Emma's father Eric Roberts, who also works in the industry. Julia made her movie debut in 1988 in Satisfaction, closely followed by Mystic Pizza. In 2001, she won an Oscar for Best Actress in a leading role for Erin Brockovich.

In 2022, she told how "acting is my dream come true, but it is not my only dream come true".

She continued, "The life that I've built with my husband (Danny Moder and) the life that we've built with our children. That's the best stuff, to come home at the end of the day triumphantly to them."