Fan video argues Thor and Howard The Duck are the same film

If you’d ever noticed some eerie similarities between the fourth Marvel Cinematic Universe movie, and the very first big screen Marvel Comics adaptation, then you’re not alone.

Youtube user Couch Tomato highlights this matter in a video aptly entitled ‘24 Reasons Howard the Duck and Thor Are The Same Movie.’

Using a split-screen, we’re shown footage from the infamous 1986 George Lucas production - which, yes, really was the earliest Marvel movie - alongside similar scenes from 2011’s 'Thor,’ which took the MCU to spacier heights after the comparatively grounded 'Iron Man,’ 'The Incredible Hulk’ and 'Iron Man 2.'

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Given that both films centre on alien beings forcibly brought to planet Earth through astral portals, only to befriend a beautiful earth woman and rise up to defend the world from an other-wordly threat, it’s not hard to see the similarities.

Of course, the main thing distinguishing them is the looks of their leading men. I mean, Hemsworth dreams about being that studly.

Howard the Duck has been reintroduced into the MCU via his brief post-credits cameo in 'Guardians of the Galaxy,’ but there’s been no indication that Marvel intend to give the character another solo movie any time soon.

Coach Tomato has produced similar comparison videos, arguing the films are essentially the same, on 'Poltergeist 2’/'Insidious Chapter 2,’ 'Speed’/'Mad Max: Fury Road,’ and 'Jurassic Park’/'The Legend of Tarzan,’ amongst others.

Watch the video below, and be assured it’s entirely SFW - although we might note that point number 8 is rather sexist.

Our thanks to for bringing this to our attention.

Picture Credit: Marvel, Lucasfilm