The Fantastic Four fan theory confirmed as it gets exciting update

fantastic 4 valentine's day poster
The Fantastic Four fan theory confirmedMarvel Studios

The Fantastic Four MCU reboot has confirmed a long-standing fan theory alongside a positive filming update.

The film's cast was announced with 1960s-themed key-art, leading many people to think that the film would be set in that decade.

On The Official Marvel Podcast, MCU boss Kevin Feige said that the film was "very much so" a period piece, but different to our own '60s.

fantastic 4 valentine's day poster
Marvel Studios

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He said: "There were a lot of smart people who noticed that that cityscape didn't look exactly like the New York that we know, or that existed in the '60s in our world. Those are smart observations, I'll say."

In terms of filming, Feige also revealed that production will begin next month.

The Fantastic Four are Feige's personal favourites, so it's no wonder that he says he is "extremely excited" to finally make a film for them within the MCU.

"I think those characters are mainstays, legendary pillars of the Marvel Universe that we've never gotten to play with or explore in a significant way outside of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness and a few fun teases before," he said.

kevin feige
Alberto Rodriguez/Deadline via Getty Images - Getty Images

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New Johnny Storm actor Joseph Quinn has spoken about what it's like stepping into the role, stating: "I remember really enjoying Chris Evans's performance as Johnny in the previous films, and it felt like this would be a really exciting opportunity. I was absolutely signed up."

"I had a talk with [director] Matt [Shakman], and it was very clear with the kind of people who they were attaching to it what they were trying to do with it. There are aspects of it that are very much a singular thing and its own thing."

The new Fantastic Four movie is set to be part of the MCU's Phase 6. If you need to remind yourself of all the films within Phase 6, you can find out right here.

The Fantastic Four is currently set to release on July 25, 2025.

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