First trailer for After Life star's comedy about missing vegetables

jo hartley, swede caroline trailer
First trailer for After Life star's new comedyBelstone Pictures

The first trailer for After Life star Jo Hartley's crime mockumentary Swede Caroline is here.

Set to be released on April 19, Swede Caroline sees Hartley star as the titular Caroline, a woman whose hopes of winning a competitive vegetable growing competition are sabotaged when her prize giant marrow is stolen.

Devastated that her prized vegetables have been stolen, Caroline then hires two private investigators to get to the bottom of the crime - only for the pair to end up being dramatically kidnapped.

Are the two events linked? No (according to the synopsis), however Caroline thinks they are, which sends her on a journey from the vegetable allotments to a national corruption scandal which "goes all the way to the top."

swede caroline trailer
Belstone Pictures

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In the trailer we're introduced to Caroline, an ambitious vegetable grower who would've been the "first female ever to win in a marrow division."

Her journey is being documented by a film crew who end up capturing a story much wilder than they imagined, with filmmaker Kirsty (Rebekah Murrell) declaring: "How were we to know what we were getting ourselves into."

The trailer then cuts to a horrified Caroline who declares that her vegetables have been stolen while holding a bag of frozen peas on her head.

Cue the arrival of two private detectives Louise and Lawrence (Aisling Bea and Ray Fearon) who clash with Caroline's trusty partners Willy (Celyn Jones) and Paul (Richard Lumsden) as they start their investigation.

jo hartley, swede caroline trailer
Belstone Pictures

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When the two investigators are kidnapped things descend into pitchfork wielding road trip of chaos, with Caroline and her group arguing over whether Lawrence and Louise are "dead" or attending a "sex party at the Berghain."

"Yeah I think in hindsight we probably should've called the police at that stage," Celyn Jones' Willy says of the unfolding events.

Swede Caroline has been written and co-directed by Brook Driver alongside Finn Bruce. Fay Ripley, Alice Lowe, Ray Fearon, Steve Brody and Ash Tandon also star.

Swede Caroline will be released in cinemas on April 19.

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