Funny moment man challenges anti-mask protesters to dance off

This is the funny moment a man interrupted anti-mask protesters -- by challenging them to a dance off.

A group gathered to protest against the need to wear masks, when they were challenged by Andrew Lake, 24.

Wearing a face covering, he took to the floor in front of the group and counteracted their shouts and placards with a shimmy.

He shook his bum to the crowds in Birmingham, and manage to raise a few smiles and giggles, on Saturday.

Andrew claims his display made the protesters abandon their spot on Birmingham's busy New Street.

The actor and playwright from Smethwick, West Midlands, had been out shopping with his sister, Amber Norris, when he came across the group.

He said: "As soon as I started watching the protest, I was thinking to myself, 'what can I do to undermine this?'.

"I knew I wanted to do something.

"The protesters stood in a semi-circle and I could see the big open space right in front of them.

"As an actor and theatre-maker, it immediately struck me that the space was a stage, and I had an audience.

"I just thought to myself, 'you can do something'. It was a spontaneous, spur-of-the-moment situation.

"I knew that arguing would just give them more legitimacy, so I did something that would get onlookers laughing, to diffuse the energy of the protest."

He claims one protester said 'that's what wearing a mask does to you, it makes you loopy!' but after two minutes of his dancing, the protesters moved on.

He added: "I found the whole protest ridiculous - wearing a mask is a really easy thing to do that makes a positive difference, so why would you not do it?"