'Game of Thrones' fans spot plastic water bottles in series finale

The final episode of Game of Thrones was not without its fault and one of them concerned a water bottle.
Two episodes after Emilia Clarke’s coffee cup was spotted in a scene at Winterfell, eagle-eyed fans noticed the plastic container behind Samwell Tarly’s feet during a climactic scene of the episode, titled “The Iron Throne.”
Videos and pictures were posted to Twitter detailing the continuity error.
Read more: Game Of Thrones is over, here’s what happened
a water bottle in King’s Landing!! #got #gameofthrones pic.twitter.com/mwGQlsLwnh
— Beth (@bethisloco) May 20, 2019
There was a bottle spotted behind the foot of Ser Davos (Liam Cunningham) in the same scene.
It's not just there, I actually found the second water bottle next to Ser Davos. #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/rZHqiWmDU4
— Bala Yogesh (@Yo_Bala) May 20, 2019
Read more: GoT petition to have final season remade hits 1 million
After the coffee cup from season eight episode 4 went viral, HBO quickly edited the offending item out for future broadcast so it’s likely they will do the same after the finale aired on Sunday night/Monday morning.
This error is another blow to the final season which has been heavily criticised by fans of the show and led to a petition to have it re-written.
“David Benioff and DB Weiss have proven themselves to be woefully incompetent writers when they have no source material (ie the books) to fall back on,” the change.org petition reads. “This series deserves a final season that makes sense. Subvert my expectations and make it happen, HBO!”
Now that the final episode has aired, the response has been just as polarising.
I’m still processing my feelings but this picture somehow feels relevant. #GOTFinale pic.twitter.com/ZhhUL9Cts8
— be🦋loveable (@YoursPetite) May 20, 2019
I loved that ending. Idc what anyone else has to say. #GOTFinale
— Sebastian Rawl (@c_bass624) May 20, 2019
I kind of have the worst possible take on the #GameofThrones finale which is that I neither loved nor hated it. I'm just sort of, "Well, I watched that episode of television."
— Todd VanDerWerff (@tvoti) May 20, 2019
Game of Thrones may have come to an end but the series still has a couple of books left to go.
George R. R. Martin says he is still writing Winds of Winter and hasn’t started Dreams of Spring, despite claims that they were complete.
"No, THE WINDS OF WINTER and A DREAM OF SPRING are not finished,” Martin wrote on his blog. “DREAM is not even begun; I am not going to start writing volume seven until I finish volume six."
Game of Thrones’ final episode airs again in the UK on Sky Atlantic tonight at 9pm.