Joaquin Phoenix's new movie gets rave first reactions after surprise screening

beau is afraid
New Joaquin Phoenix film gets rave first reactionsA24

Joker actor Joaquin Phoenix and Hereditary director Ari Aster's new movie Beau Is Afraid had a recent surprise screening over the weekend, as fans who turned up to watch a director's cut of Midsommar were treated to an April Fool: they were getting to see the new film weeks before release.

The "surrealist black comedy horror" stars Phoenix as a man ridden by anxiety and grief at the sudden death of his mother. He embarks on a weird journey into the bizarre that includes, among other things, getting kidnapped by Nathan Lane, an altercation with a teenage girl who drinks paint, an animated sequence and an apparently very strange sex scene.

Early impressions have been posted on Twitter from those who have been lucky enough to see it already, and those who liked it really liked it. The above description of the film apparently doesn't do it justice to just how weird the film is, with multiple people stating it will be a film that fans and critics will be unpacking (or trying to) for years to come.

beau is afraid

However, not everyone found all of the weirdness to their taste, with one describing it as "a parody of an Ari Aster film", while a few people said the film is too long.

Here's what people have been saying:

Aster appeared at the screening and revealed that while filming a scene with Patti LuPone, who plays Beau's manipulative mother, things got so intense that Phoenix actually fainted while during the shot.

Meanwhile, Phoenix is currently hard at work filming the sequel to Joker, titled Joker: Folie à Deux. Photos from the production have revealed Lady Gaga in costume as Harley Quinn, and has teased the possible appearance of another famous Batman villain.

Beau Is Afraid will be released in cinemas on April 21 in the US, and May 19 in the UK.

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