John Cena and Jackie Chan's action movie lands 0% rating on Rotten Tomatoes

john cena, jackie chan, hidden strike
Cena and Chan's movie gets 0% on Rotten TomatoesNetflix

John Cena and Jackie Chan's newest action movie Hidden Strike has landed a 0% score on Rotten Tomatoes.

The Netflix film follows two elite soldiers, played by Cena and Chan, as they must escort a group of civilians to safety through one of the world's most dangerous roads and "through a gauntlet of gunfire and explosions".

At the time of writing, only five critics have reviewed the film, seeing as it's a more low-budget affair that went straight to streaming, so that score could improve.

However, it has proven to be a hit on the streaming platform, appearing at the top of the most-watched movies list in multiple territories this weekend.

john cena, hidden strike

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The critics that have posted reviews are pretty unanimous in their assessments: the film fails at its attempts at humour and has some really bad CGI visuals.

An excerpt from's review reads: "One gets the sense while watching Hidden Strike that [director Scott] Waugh is trying to make his own Mad Max: Fury Road with the endeavor. Only instead of practical effects and real environments, the helmer deals solely with greenscreen work and CGI creations.

"Hidden Strike also has a problem with buddy comedy bits, with Cena and Chan looking visibly uncomfortable with each other."

jackie chan, hidden strike

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Meanwhile, Collider said: "It is always a bad sign when the blooper reel (remember those?) that runs during the credits sees [Cena and Chan] having better chemistry and comedic timing than anything in the actual film.

"The greatest problem is that Cena and Chan can only do so much as they navigate an otherwise hollow film that gets hopelessly lost in a CGI desert purgatory. The poor effects only make it feel like you're having a fever dream from which you can't wake up."

There's no audience score yet, so it's hard to know how much the general public liked the film despite the high numbers of views on Netflix.

Hidden Strike is available to stream on Netflix.

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