John Krasinski Wore The Captain America Costume In His Failed Marvel Audition

John Krasinski came so close to playing Captain America that he even got the costume on.

The ‘13 Hours’ star told Yahoo Movies that while he was playing the loveable Jim Halpert in the US version of 'The Office’, he briefly moonlighted as Cap while Marvel tried him out for the role.

“To me, I wasn’t disappointed at all because it was such an amazing experience that while we were shooting 'The Office’, [I got] to go and audition for that and go for a screen test on the real set and get to wear the real costume, so just for those fleeting moments it was really, really fun,” he said.


And seemingly, there’s no hard feelings about how things turned out, with Chris Evans eventually snagging the part of World War II veteran Steve Rogers.

“To be really honest, I love Chris, he’s a really good friend of mine and as soon I heard he was in the mix for it, I thought 'he’s gonna get it’, and I’m happy for him,” he added.

“He’s so perfect for the role and he’s done such a great job.”

So there’s no dartboard with his face on, then?

“There’s no dartboard, but if they want me to play a villain that will fight Chris, I’m totally game.”

It’s on…

‘13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi’ is in cinemas now. Watch a trailer below…

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Image credits: Paramount/Disney