Johnny Depp dating young Russian model

Johnny Depp is dating a Russian beautician and model 33 years his junior.

The actor, who is 61, is in a relationship with Yulia Vlasova, 28, the Daily Mail reports.

The outlet revealed that the pair have been seeing each other casually over the past two years.

The Pirates of the Caribbean star and the blonde beauty reportedly met in Prague, where she is based, in August 2021 at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival.

Vlasova owns a makeup and hairstyling studio there but appears to spend a lot of her time in the UK, where Depp currently lives.

Last week, the purported couple was caught on camera, looking cosy while travelling out of London Heliport, with Depp carrying his guitar in one hand and a tumbler in the other.

After news of their purported romance broke, Vlasova took to her Instagram Story to post a statement in Czech that translates to: "Friends, I ask you to refrain from giving any interviews to journalists concerning me and my personal life. Your understanding and respect for my privacy will be appreciated."

Depp has been enjoying a quiet life in the UK since emerging victorious from his defamation case against ex-wife Amber Heard in June 2022.