Kim Kardashian’s blunt blonde bob is the shortest it’s ever been

Kim Kardashian and her peroxide blonde hair are the powerful duo Hollywood never knew they needed. Megan and Harry? J-Lo and Ben? Beyoncé and Jay-Z? Nope. They've got nothing on Kimmy and her stunning platinum blonde locks... just sayin'. Not convinced? Well, we've seen streaky white mid-lengths, a nostalgic secondary school hairstyle and even a Rapunzel hair body wrap all within the space of one month.

Pretty epic, right?

Now Kim has only gone and debuted yet another hairstyle, but this time, it's something we haven't seen from her in quite some time. Let me introduce to you: the blunt blonde bob. And yes, before you go questioning my judgement, she did in fact have a similar 'do not too long ago that she wore for her appearance on The Today Show in June. However, technically, that was a lob (that's a long bob, FYI).

Take a look and her new and improved cut below:

kim kardashian blonde blunt bob
Kim Kardashian @kimkardashian - Instagram

This breaking hair news(!!) comes to us from Kim's very own Instagram story where she is seen to be striking up a pose alongside her sisters, Khloe Kardashian and Kylie Jenner, as well as friends, Yris Palmer and Anastasia Karanikolaou (who was also formerly known as Stassie Baby).

And as you can see (well, that's if you're an eagle-eyed Kim K fan, like we are), this is the shortest her locks have ever been. Previously the lob hit shoulder length but now, the bob comes juuuust past the chin.

Not used to the short lengths, Kim works the cut with a few hair flicks whilst running her fingers through the end lengths. I mean, it's only natural post-drastic cut. Though, reassured Keeks, for you look fab-u-lous.

Is anyone else now tempted to get a few inches taken off thanks to this look? It's summer – what better excuse than that!

Follow Lia on Instagram.

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